SureWalls is a patented system for installing and finishing drywall in a radically new, simplified way. It requires no drywall tape, no corner bead, very few screws, limited use of joint compound, minimal sanding and no reliance on skilled labor. And, it yields exceptional, predictable results every time.
FASTER: Enables installation and finishing of drywall in roughly half the time vs. old school methods.
CHEAPER: Eliminates reliance on costly skilled labor. It makes drywall installation and finishing finally a DIY level task.
BETTER: Features: pre-engineered, impact resistant corners guaranteed to be perfect in line and form every time; joints and seams that are airtight and simple to finish; and, walls that are 50% quieter than conventionally installed walls -- say goodbye to costly (and notoriously unreliable) resilient channel to achieve meaningful sound attenuation.
Watch our short video to understand the ease and speed of the SureWalls system:
An interior wall system you can trust
Interior wall construction should not be relegated to an open-ended "means & methods" process where cost-saving & corner-cutting determinations take precedence over the quality and predictability of the result. By specifying wall installation with the SureWalls system you have the assurance of walls with no hidden defects, highly impact resistant corners, and snugly-fitted, airtight seams that easily finish to smooth perfection every time. The SureWalls system has been thoroughly tested and approved through the International Code Council Evaluation Service for surface burn characteristics (Class A), structural strength/transverse load (exceeds 15 lbs/SF) and airborne sound transmission (50+ STC). See ICC ESR 4749. |
Walls that deliver "peace and quiet"
We all value peace & quiet in our personal living spaces, hotel rooms and busy office conference rooms. SureWalls delivers what no standard, old-school wall installation can -- highly sound-attenuated walls that have, through extensive lab testing, proven to deliver unprecedented sound performance with ratings consistently exceeding 50 STC for a standard 2X4 wall (wood or metal studs). Over the past 6 decades drywall panels have been secured to wall framing using mechanical fasteners (screws or nails).... LOTS of them. These mechanical connections are a significant cause of transmitting vibration and sound through walls. SureWalls' system acts to "decouple" the drywall panel from the wall framing requiring no more than 4 screws per drywall panel to produce walls that bring peace and quiet to our living spaces. |
Walls that save time, money and the environment
Contractors will discover that the SureWalls system will reduce wall installation time by roughly 50% compared to an old-school wall installation. Money is saved not just through reduced labor hours, but also reduced reliance on skilled labor and much reduced sanding of seams and joints. Once drywall panels are installed with the SureWalls system, finishing requires nothing more than a couple of thin coats of joint compound applied using our profiles as a foolproof guide for a mud knife. Even better, in wall applications such as warehouses, storage rooms, gyms, temporary walls, or any back-of-house spaces, a SureWalls installation requires no finishing whatsoever to present a finished wall appearance with nothing more than a few coats of paint. For all its demonstrated benefits (superior sound attenuation, guaranteed perfectly straight & ultra-impact resistant corners, and a sure, problem-free job done in just 1 or 2 days), a wall installation using the SureWalls system will surely cost you no more than an old-school tape and mud drywall installation. |
Can your corner take this??
Watch the SureWalls corner, in slow motion, compress and flex back to its original shape while being hit twice with a baseball bat suffering no significant damage in the process. There's a reason we named it PerfeCorner.