The SureWalls system was developed with architects and engineers in mind
While many disciplines in the construction industry have moved to predictable systems approaches and embraced technological advances, one area that has largely resisted change for decades [6 decades now] has been drywall installation. Particular wall assemblies may be specified, but typically, the performance of drywall installation has largely remained a "means and methods" function, which basically translates to contractors installing the drywall the quickest, least costly way(think flimsy metal corner bead), provided the installation meets code requirements. Further, unless code requires meeting a certain STC (sound transmission level) for particular walls, typically some type of party wall in a multi-family project, far too little thought is given to how walls perform.
As a result, what you find throughout the drywall specialty is inconsistency. And, inconsistency leads to something that architects, engineers and builders loathe: uncertainty. The reason for the inconsistent results stems largely from three things:
1) a lack of a specified methodology for drywall installation;
2) great variation in the skill levels and care of the installers and drywall finishers; and
3) the freedom that prescribed means and methods installation gives to contractors to cheapen the quality of the installation.
Enter SureWalls Drywall Installation System
The SureWalls drywall installation system was designed to provide consistency and certainty in the result by focusing on the proven best practices in the industry. How could we eliminate the chance of wavy lines in corners, both inside and outside corners? How could we make sure that drywall joints are firmly attached and airtight with no gaps? How could we make it so that an excellent wall finish could be achieved without heavy reliance on the skill level of installers and finishers? How could we better ensure the appearance and durability of outside corners which often take a beating from daily traffic? And, how could we bring greater speed and predictability to the time required to complete the job of drywall installation and finishing?
The SureWalls drywall installation system was designed to provide consistency and certainty in the result by focusing on the proven best practices in the industry. How could we eliminate the chance of wavy lines in corners, both inside and outside corners? How could we make sure that drywall joints are firmly attached and airtight with no gaps? How could we make it so that an excellent wall finish could be achieved without heavy reliance on the skill level of installers and finishers? How could we better ensure the appearance and durability of outside corners which often take a beating from daily traffic? And, how could we bring greater speed and predictability to the time required to complete the job of drywall installation and finishing?
The first and only drywall installation "system"
SureWalls is the only thoroughly tested and proven drywall installation system on the market and provides clear solutions to all the questions posed above. In developing our system we focused on 3 primary objectives:
1) improved ease and outcome (straight lines, tough corners) of wall installation and finishing;
2) superior sound attenuation, and;
3) delivering superior wall resilience with equal or better strength as compared to traditional drywall installation methods.
According to our test results as conducted by ICC Evaluation Services, a subsidiary of the International Code Council, we succeeded - perhaps over-performed - in all three areas. See ESR 4749.
Transverse & Shear Load Strength
International Building Code requires meeting a minimum lateral load standard of 5 lbs. psf. Our profiles, tested with 5/8" drywall and 25 gauge steel studs at 24" on center, far exceeded 15 lbs. psf - the metal studs buckled and failed the assembly before our profiles ever gave way. When considering transverse loads (perpendicular to the wall surface) or shear forces (parallel to the surface, such as from wind pressure or lateral loads) can be significantly improved by securing drywall in tight-fitting channels within rigid PVC profiles compared to traditional drywall screws. The key factor in strengthening drywall Installation with rigid PVC profiles?
Distributed Load Bearing:
Sound Attenuation
Intertek Labs tested multiple wall assemblies utilizing our profiles. In standard 2 X 4 interior wall assemblies with 5/8" drywall, studs at 24" on center and 3 1/2" fiberglass batt insulation in the wall cavities our profiles delivered STC ratings in excess of 50 with both metal and wood studs. To achieve this result with wood stud construction was especially gratifying and surprising given that wood studs are known for producing notoriously poor STC results (typically in the range of 30 to 40 STC). SureWalls' metal and wood stud wall assemblies also deliver excellent OITC sound ratings (lower/bass range) ranging from 32 to 46.
A simple, inexpensive and reliable way to increase STC points in a standard wall assembly.
Ease of Finish
With a SureWalls installation, there is no taping and mudding of seams. Our prefabricated corner profiles are engineered with perfectly straight seams. All that is required to finish walls to level 4 following a SureWalls installation is two thin coats of joint compound. Far less required joint compound means the required sanding - and resulting unhealthy dust - is drastically reduced.
SureWalls is the only thoroughly tested and proven drywall installation system on the market and provides clear solutions to all the questions posed above. In developing our system we focused on 3 primary objectives:
1) improved ease and outcome (straight lines, tough corners) of wall installation and finishing;
2) superior sound attenuation, and;
3) delivering superior wall resilience with equal or better strength as compared to traditional drywall installation methods.
According to our test results as conducted by ICC Evaluation Services, a subsidiary of the International Code Council, we succeeded - perhaps over-performed - in all three areas. See ESR 4749.
Transverse & Shear Load Strength
International Building Code requires meeting a minimum lateral load standard of 5 lbs. psf. Our profiles, tested with 5/8" drywall and 25 gauge steel studs at 24" on center, far exceeded 15 lbs. psf - the metal studs buckled and failed the assembly before our profiles ever gave way. When considering transverse loads (perpendicular to the wall surface) or shear forces (parallel to the surface, such as from wind pressure or lateral loads) can be significantly improved by securing drywall in tight-fitting channels within rigid PVC profiles compared to traditional drywall screws. The key factor in strengthening drywall Installation with rigid PVC profiles?
Distributed Load Bearing:
- Traditional screws: Drywall screws concentrate load at discrete points (typically every 12 to 16 inches apart). These points are where transverse loads are transferred from the drywall to the studs.
- Rigid PVC channels: By securing the drywall along its entire edge within a tight-fitting channel, the load is distributed more evenly across the entire edge rather than at specific points. This results in better load distribution, reducing stress concentrations and the likelihood of failure or cracking at specific points.
- Strength improvement: This can significantly enhance the ability of the wall to resist both transverse and shear forces.
Sound Attenuation
Intertek Labs tested multiple wall assemblies utilizing our profiles. In standard 2 X 4 interior wall assemblies with 5/8" drywall, studs at 24" on center and 3 1/2" fiberglass batt insulation in the wall cavities our profiles delivered STC ratings in excess of 50 with both metal and wood studs. To achieve this result with wood stud construction was especially gratifying and surprising given that wood studs are known for producing notoriously poor STC results (typically in the range of 30 to 40 STC). SureWalls' metal and wood stud wall assemblies also deliver excellent OITC sound ratings (lower/bass range) ranging from 32 to 46.
A simple, inexpensive and reliable way to increase STC points in a standard wall assembly.
Ease of Finish
With a SureWalls installation, there is no taping and mudding of seams. Our prefabricated corner profiles are engineered with perfectly straight seams. All that is required to finish walls to level 4 following a SureWalls installation is two thin coats of joint compound. Far less required joint compound means the required sanding - and resulting unhealthy dust - is drastically reduced.
SureWalls delivers certainty in the result
Drywall joints will always be firmly attached and airtight
In a traditional drywall installation screws are placed at 8" or 12" intervals along the length of the drywall panel edge. Some are installed properly, but many are not. Then, tape and mud are applied over the joint to hide the voids and any potential mistakes. Alternatively, a drywall edge secured to a stud with a SureWalls profile will be attached and secured with consistent pressure along every single millimeter of its length. No chance of a gap or a void. This joint is then easily finished with just two thin coats of joint compound to deliver a perfectly flat wall surface.
An excellent, high level wall finish will not depend on who's doing the finish work
With the always consistent, easy to finish joints and corners created by our profiles, a do-it-yourselfer with nothing more than a steady hand is easily able to create a perceptibly smooth wall with very little sanding required.
Speed and predictability in the result are SureWall's calling card. Once the drywall is installed using our profiles, the entire, messy, time-consuming step of taping and mudding joints is eliminated. The SureWalls profiles complete that step. After that, all that's left to do is to apply a couple thin coats of joint compound to finish the wall. SureWalls will reduce installation and finishing time by roughly 50% and, just as importantly, give you the peace of mind to know that the installation was done correctly, in accordance with best practices. No way to cut corners or compromise the wall strength or finish using the SureWalls System.
No more "wavy" corners. Corners will always be perfectly straight and perfectly uniform - formed by our profile, not reliant on a flimsy vinyl or metal corner bead and multiple layers of drywall mud. Not to mention that we are certain to deliver the most impact resistant outside corner on the market, short of installing a special corner protector. In most applications, the need for a corner protector can be eliminated.
In a traditional drywall installation screws are placed at 8" or 12" intervals along the length of the drywall panel edge. Some are installed properly, but many are not. Then, tape and mud are applied over the joint to hide the voids and any potential mistakes. Alternatively, a drywall edge secured to a stud with a SureWalls profile will be attached and secured with consistent pressure along every single millimeter of its length. No chance of a gap or a void. This joint is then easily finished with just two thin coats of joint compound to deliver a perfectly flat wall surface.
An excellent, high level wall finish will not depend on who's doing the finish work
With the always consistent, easy to finish joints and corners created by our profiles, a do-it-yourselfer with nothing more than a steady hand is easily able to create a perceptibly smooth wall with very little sanding required.
Speed and predictability in the result are SureWall's calling card. Once the drywall is installed using our profiles, the entire, messy, time-consuming step of taping and mudding joints is eliminated. The SureWalls profiles complete that step. After that, all that's left to do is to apply a couple thin coats of joint compound to finish the wall. SureWalls will reduce installation and finishing time by roughly 50% and, just as importantly, give you the peace of mind to know that the installation was done correctly, in accordance with best practices. No way to cut corners or compromise the wall strength or finish using the SureWalls System.
No more "wavy" corners. Corners will always be perfectly straight and perfectly uniform - formed by our profile, not reliant on a flimsy vinyl or metal corner bead and multiple layers of drywall mud. Not to mention that we are certain to deliver the most impact resistant outside corner on the market, short of installing a special corner protector. In most applications, the need for a corner protector can be eliminated.
Bringing Architects/Engineers and Builders Together.
We understand that there can sometimes be a natural tension between builders and architects over what architects may specify for a job. The builder may not fully understand or agree with a specification, or the builder may see the specification as costing him more money on the job due to materials and specified construction methods. This should never be the case with a specified SureWalls System installation. The product cost should always be more than offset by savings of time, labor expense, reduced material cost and easy job cleanup.
SureWalls saves time and money.
Securing drywall panels to stud walls
In a traditional drywall installation how many screws are typically required to secure a standard 4' X 8' drywall panel to the stud wall given required field spacing? The answer, assuming studs placed 16" on center, would be somewhere in the range of 30 to 40 screws per panel. Contrast this with a SureWalls installation specifying just 4 screws through the panel face (along the middle stud) based on our ICC tested and approved method of spacing studs at 24" on center and utilizing 5/8" drywall [see Evaluation Service Report - ESR 4749 from the ICC]. This installation assembly saves the builder one stud per panel (estimate $4 to $10 savings depending on stud type and current cost) plus the time to touch up the roughly 30 additional screw holes in each drywall panel without sacrificing wall strength and integrity.
In a traditional drywall installation how many screws are typically required to secure a standard 4' X 8' drywall panel to the stud wall given required field spacing? The answer, assuming studs placed 16" on center, would be somewhere in the range of 30 to 40 screws per panel. Contrast this with a SureWalls installation specifying just 4 screws through the panel face (along the middle stud) based on our ICC tested and approved method of spacing studs at 24" on center and utilizing 5/8" drywall [see Evaluation Service Report - ESR 4749 from the ICC]. This installation assembly saves the builder one stud per panel (estimate $4 to $10 savings depending on stud type and current cost) plus the time to touch up the roughly 30 additional screw holes in each drywall panel without sacrificing wall strength and integrity.